Moving from...

The Daves are moving from Brooklyn Park Minnesota and Mom Motes is moving from West Salem Wisconsin.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 18th - Part 1 of 4 (Driveway and garage doors)

As you can see, they've put in the driveway. Here is Dave and Georgia looking at the area where we'll be putting in arborvitae to serve as a screen for the patio they're standing on.

As you can also see, the driveway is pretty narrow. We were supposed to have a 10.67 foot wide driveway, but it only ended up being 8.5 feet wide due to the house being placing further to one side than we expected. We're not thrilled, especially considering how tight the space is around the fireplace bumpout, but we're negotiating a couple of concrete pillars so we can protect the fireplace from snowplows and accidents due to an icy driveway.

The garage doors were installed just before the driveway went in. If you look closely at the single door there is a dent in the bottom right. They're going to replace the bottom panel.

Here's another shot after the driveway was installed. You can see the "rooster tail" that will allow us to back out of the garage and go forward down the driveway.

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