Moving from...

The Daves are moving from Brooklyn Park Minnesota and Mom Motes is moving from West Salem Wisconsin.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Insulation Up & Down

They're pretty close to done with insulating the house. This is a picture of the bonus room with the closet in the back right and the bath in the back left. Since we're going to be using the bonus room above the garage as a second master suite, we're having the garage insulated as you can see here. We're also getting insulated garage doors with thermal, double-pane windows. And we're finishing the garage walls and ceiling. We're not finishing the basement, so this insulation is what the walls will look like until/if we decide to finish it some day. The shiny silver does make it brighter down there even with no lights. It also makes it look even bigger, if that's possible! We have the egress window to the right (you can see the light hitting the floor) and three hopper windows along the opposite wall. It was cloudy today, so when it's sunny there will be even more light.

Not insulation, but the porch flooring is in on both the upper and lower (shown here) porches. Next step will be either sheetrock or siding or both together. Once the sheetrock is complete they'll be able to give us a tentative closing date. We're estimating late June, but we'll know more soon.

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