Moving from...

The Daves are moving from Brooklyn Park Minnesota and Mom Motes is moving from West Salem Wisconsin.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 18th - Part 3 of 4 (Appliances)

Appliances being provided by the builder have arrived and most have been installed. Here is the gas stovetop and the vent hood. We upgraded the vent hood and may have gotten more than we bargained for - it has four fan levels and on the top two levels you can hardly hear!

Here is the electric oven / convection microwave combination unit. The wood surrounding the unit was custom stained and doesn't match the cabinets (it looks worse in person) so we've asked them to re-stain it.

The dishwasher is the quietest we could order - very important since the kitchen is open to the family room.

We didn't order the refrigerator or washer/dryers from the builder but instead bought them at Sears. They're scheduled to be installed the day after we close. The fridge is a Samsung french door model that has a "cool-zone" drawer you can set for different temps depending on what you're keeping cool. We'll mostly use it for water and soda so we don't have to open the fridge doors to get at those items but just slide out the drawer.

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